Azure Coding Architect

Tinkering in the cloud...

Over-The-Air device update - IoT with C#

2022-08-01 10 min read Development Bas Van De Sande

Developing solutions for IoT devices can be a challenging task, this can also apply for getting a device at its final destination in order to do its job. When time passes by, it is likely that either requirements or conditions are changing and that the device is not capable anymore of doing its job. In other words, it needs to be updated. This is where the real problems may start. In many cases devices are not physically accessible or there are simply too many devices in the field to do manual updates. This is where over-the-air (OTA) updates will save your day.

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Register ESP32 to DPS & IoT hub - IoT with C#

2022-04-28 4 min read Development Bas Van De Sande

In my previous post I flashed my ESP32 with the, allowing me to write C# code in Visual Studio with all bells and whistles. As life goes… the device landed in my drawer until this week where I had some time to experiment. This time I wanted to hook up the device to Azure IoT hub using the Device Provisioning Service (DPS) which brings me one step closer to my goal, performing device updates over-the-air…

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From 0 to 100 in 30 minutes - IoT with C#

2022-03-15 4 min read Development Bas Van De Sande

My interest for the Internet of Things (IoT) was sparked many moons ago, way before the name was born. Back in the days I wrote software for PalmOS devices, and I was intrigued by having raw processor power in my Pocket. Don’t get me wrong, back then we where talking Megahertz instead of Gigahertz and Kilobyte instead of Gigabyte. Having such limitations in processing power and memory tickled my creativity. When I had the opportunity to control hardware (gps, electronic locks etc) using the little devices I was sold. Fastforward to a couple of years ago when the market was flooded with Arduinos and Raspberry Pis, I picked up an old hobby and started developing again, this time playing around with sensors. The big disadvantage was that you had to resort to plain old C and a crippled development environment, until now…

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