Azure Coding Architect

Tinkering in the cloud...

Practice what you preach!

2021-07-27 3 min read Technology Bas Van De Sande
When I decided to start blogging again, I knew I wanted to talk about the things I face, working with Azure. In the past I used to blog as well, back then I blogged on my Journey into CRM which I started in 2014. In 2014 the state of technology was much different; one would use WordPress (or similar). The main choice was host it yourself or host it at a hosting provider. Continue reading


2021-07-24 2 min read General Bas Van De Sande
You have found my personal blog. This blog will be focused around Microsoft Azure technologies, hence the name “something Azure”. Let me introduce myself, my name is Bas van de Sande and I work as an Azure Coding Architect at Xpirit in the Netherlands. As part of my daily job, I offer technical guidance, advice and hands-on assistance for a large number of (global) companies in various industries. I have been working with Microsoft technologies since 1995 in various technical roles, since that time I have seen a large number of technologies passing by (Visual Studio technologies, SQL Server, BizTalk, Microsoft. Continue reading
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